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Plant-Based Experience with Chun Tsubaki


The first time I got in touch with the good folks at Chun Tsubaki during their launch in March 2018, we instantly hit it off because we are all like-minded, foodie-loving creatives!

So even though I don’t teach many Plant-Based Cooking classes, I immediately said YES when they asked me to host a Masterclass session at their studio. After all, what better way to share my passion than with my favourite recipes?


It was tedious work coming up with not 1 but 3 plant-based recipes for my 3-hour workshop. I had to create recipes that not only tasted and looked good, but were easy enough for the vege-curious beginning their foray into plant-based living.

After several weeks of brainstorming, I produced 3 recipes: Hibiscus-Ginger Kombucha Mocktail, Vegan ‘Fishless’ Fish and BBQ Jackfruit Tacos and Dairy-Free Ice Cream Popsicles to end off on a sweet note. (Click on the links to view the full recpes!)


I wanted to create a well-stocked ‘Plant-Based pantry’ that is full of wholesome foods, just like the ones you see on Masterchef where the contestants race to grab their ingredients! But of course, that only exists on TV. Nevertheless, we still created a ‘Farmers Table’ booth, filled with organic fruits and veggies, kindly sponsored by Little Farms. Our participants had a lot of fun picking and choosing their ingredients and guess what, it doubled as a great photobooth too!


We kept the workshop small with just 20 pax, but it was just right so I could take my time to speak to each and every one of the participants and help them with their dishes. We had participants of all ages with the youngest at just age 13!

I think I got a bit too carried away and we ended up extending the workshop by half an hour. It was tiring but so rewarding to see these fresh faces with curious questions about this #gamechangers diet. I guess I do really enjoy sharing about my passion on anything plant powered!


Overall, it was such a fantastic event only because I had the support of AMAZING partners! This wouldn’t have happened without the team at Chun Tsubaki, who did all the marketing and branding collaterals for the event. Also, special thanks to Little Farms, our food partner for sponsoring lots of wholesome goodness and Cuckoo Singapore for loaning their appliances.

And to everyone who turned up, I hope I have been the change in your Plant-Based journey!